Topaz Systems offer five basic types of signature pads. If you aren't sure which product is best for your business application, please contact Danish Solutions, Bangalore, India. Topaz signature pads are bundled with SigPlus software tools, applications, plug-ins, examples, demos, and support at no extra charge. Compared to scanning in a pen-signed paper document, Signature Capture Pads are an immediate solution that saves time and minimize errors. Input the signature directly into an electronic document as it is signed on the pad. From simple soft pads to LCD based models, we have a signature pad to match any application.
SignatureGem™ 4x5 (Electronic Signature Capture Pad)
SignatureGem 4x5 is a rugged, portable and complete signature input, capture, and software application system for paperless applications. The large signing area makes it easy for users to sign on a desktop or in the field. With an optional inking cartridge, signed paper records can be offered to customers in addition to the digital document file and signature. Topaz’s software suite is bundled at no additional charge for a complete electronic signature solution.
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